Thursday, December 18, 2008

up on my soap box...

so i kinda want to brag for a minute.

this year, i was SO on top of things. i made my neighbor Christmas presents in AUGUST!!! so today, all i had to do was tie on a bow, and make a little note. YAY for me!

i guess you can use the idea next summer.....but for this year, your a little late for jam makin'!! haha! and in case you think i'm being mean, don't worry. i have been there. EVERY year, the week before Christmas i am raking my brain for a neighbor gift. this year, i just feel so glad that i'm DONE!!
p.s. notice the mint milanos. yep, can't craft with out em'!


Christine said...

I made a ton of jam this summer for the very same is a fun and yummy gift! Yours look adorable. I even forze a bunch of berries for winter canning too..I got so tired of canning this summer that I thought I'd make up some more in January when not much is going on here.

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

You know, this is a really good idea. I'm going to keep this time of year in mind much earlier next year so everything is ready!!

cherry said...

I have never made Mom always has. I guess I should though! Great gift idea! I love your blog! Cherry

Candyce said...

I read this post a few days ago, and my jam still hasn't been delivered. You might want to mail me another one, just in case. Thanks.

Abby said...

Thanks for the cute jam. You are the best.

Callie Ann said...

Look at you! All clever and such.

Taylor Jewell said...

Hey, i need some more cute ideas. Get on that. JK. I do love to read this blog though. Such cute stuff.

Aimee Larsen said...

Happy New Year!!!